Winslow Township High School
Daily Bulletin
Support the Spanish Honor Society with a fun roller-skating trip after school on March 20th from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Please see Ms. Gomez in room B107 for more details.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/20/25 to 3/19/25
Any Ladies interested in managing or playing GIRLS’ FLAG FOOTBALL, please stop by Coach Sawyer’s Classrooms during one of the following periods and PRINT YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION on our list!
Periods: 1, 2, & 5 in E103.
Periods: 3 & 4 in D104.
Period: 8 in E105.
Tryouts will be held on Monday, March 3rd. If Mrs. Mary McKnight does not clear your PHYSICAL, you are ineligible to participate during March 3rd tryouts. THANK YOU!
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: FRIDAY, & MONDAY – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, & 24 – 28, 2025, AM & PM.
Staff’s Name: SAWYER
Attention those interested in joining the Softball team! Registration closes on March 3rd, and all other documents must be turned in to the Athletic Trainer no later than Friday, February 28th. Please speak to Coach Miranda in E103 if you have any questions.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/24/25 to 2/28/25 AM & PM
Staff’s Name: Jasmine Miranda
Any boys interested in playing boys lacrosse please register and get your physicals in by March 3rd.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/24-3/2 AM and PM
Staff’s Name: Piraino
Attention all club/activity advisors…Your deadline for your group photo has been extended until March 6th. If your club/activity does not have their picture taken by Ms. Mullin or sent to her by this date, the club/activity will not be included in this year’s yearbook due to deadline restrictions. Thank you for your assistance in making this a great yearbook!
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/24-3/5
Staff’s Name: E Mullin
Any boys interested in Playing tennis this spring must register online and have all paperwork turned in by this Monday, March 3rd. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Sanders immediately.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/26/25-3/3/25 AM & PM
Staff’s Name: Sanders
Nicholas Johnson
Music: Optimistic by Sounds of Blackness ( 1st 40 seconds)
- Born in Montreal, Canada
- Johnson was the 1st Black valedictorian in Princeton University’s 275-year history.
- Johnson achieved this goal in May 2020. He earned his degree in operations research and financial engineering.
- He also studied applications of computing, applied and computational mathematics, and statistics and machine learning.
- Johnson interned at Oxford University and at Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms.
- Johnson gives credit to his role model and mentors with giving him the support and drive that has helped him achieve so much at such a young age.