Winslow Township High School
Daily Bulletin
Support the Spanish Honor Society with a fun roller-skating trip after school on March 20th from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Please see Ms. Gomez in room B107 for more details.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 2/20/25 to 3/19/25
Congratulations to Lauren Smith for having her review of the performance The Prom at Audubon High school published to SNJ Cappies!
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 3/10 & 3/11 Am & PM
Staff’s Name: S. Heffner
You have until March 13th to order your cap and gown, so you have 4 days left. The ordering link can be found on the school’s website!
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 3/6/2025
Staff’s Name: Dr. Diggs
Attention Senior Class…
The Senior Superlative (Standouts) list is posted outside of M104 (Ms. Mullin’s classroom) and M108 (Mrs. Bracy’s classroom). Dates for the photos have been listed and will take place after school. You can also take the photo with your “partner” for the category on your own and email it to Ms Mullin by March 18th! If you have any questions, see Ms Mullin in room M104.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 3/7-3/14
Staff’s Name: E Mullin
Science Tutoring with Ms. Mullin has been canceled for today, Monday, March 10th.
Proposed Date(s) of Announcements: 3/10
Staff’s Name: E Mullin
Attention Young Ladies, Come and join Girls Group this afternoon for part two of relationship discussion. We will meet promptly at 1:40 in the library. Refreshments and bus passes will be provided. We are looking forward to seeing your beautiful face in the place!
Good morning, my name is Sandra Orjih. In celebration of Women’s History Month, Winslow student government and Eagles Landing recognizes the following woman of distinction:
Stephanie L. Kwolek, Dupont chemist, inventor and visionary
- Police officers and military personnel owe a debt of gratitude to Ms. Kwolek, who is best known for creating the synthetic fiber Kevlar, a strong, lightweight, and heat-resistant fiber found in bulletproof vests and other protective equipment.
- Kwolek patented the process for making Kevlar in 1966 while working as a chemist at Dupont’s Pioneering Research Laboratory in Wilmington Delaware.
- In addition, Besides Kevlar’s use in protective equipment, the fiber has become a substitute for asbestos since the 1970s, when companies began to scale back on using the cancer-causing material.
Stephanie Kwolek, chemist, inventor, visionary